Anxiety, the wonderful genetically passed on chemical imbalance in the brain. (which haunts me on a daily basis)
Baby sitting, the world which intensifies and highly aggravates my Anxiety. Oh and don't forget
Pregnancy, the one that has contributed to large bulging sensitive veins, back problems, fun girl infections and lack of Energy. All these ingredients put together has made me one hell of a Madusa. My poor family. By the end of this year I'm sure they'll be asking Santa for a new mom and wife. :p
Don't get me wrong, I know my family loves me. The kids I baby sit I love dearly. But enough is enough. Taking care of others children is harder than it seems. The eating of boogers, sharing of germs, the demands, the melt downs, the separation anxiety etc. After a day of battle, I feel like my energy and emotional well has been taped dry. By the time they leave, Riley has attached himself to my leg like dentures to gums with a newly applied strip of poly-grip. (not that I would even know, I still have all of my teeth in-tacked). :p But I realized that since I got pregnant, caring for other kids has become more stressful, and has been affecting my whole family as well. That's when I realized that maybe making a little more extra money may not be worth it. My husband makes enough to put a roof over our heads and food on the table. We are blessed and I shouldn't feel guilty for putting my family first. So I have decided that the end of December is the final cut off for my services. I want to be able to enjoy the rest of my pregnancy and family without added stress. Sorry, for this little tangent. Sometimes you just have to throw things out there.
On a positive note, I have a wonderful husband and sweet little boy. I have been given so much and love my life. My point to all of this is "do we really need to add garbage to our truck that doesn't need to be there?" Sometimes, I think we as people in the society that we live in, think we need to do things we really don't need to do.