Monday, March 26, 2018

March Happenings!

Another Photo shoot! It is really exciting when people pay me to take photo's of their kids and family. This was a portrait and sibling shoot. I had so much fun working with these cuties! This week I am getting a new portrait lens that I am so excited to try! I love my new Job!!!!!!!
Spring break was only a week. I think it is just long enough when you are on a stay vacation. While Brandon was in Dallas two weeks we made it through a week of school, self led conferences, dance, speech therapy, a walk to the park, church, a snow storm, the park again with friends, melt downs, high winds, a photo shoot, diahrea and lots of Mac N Cheese! The best part was, we survived!!!!!!!!!
After Brandon got home, we decided a trip to the zoo would be lots of fun to end spring break... SO did everyone else! The zoo, was a zoo of people. Instead we went next door to the Science Museum. The kids still got to release their wiggles.
An Easter preview. I love having Easter on Conference Sunday!!!!! Enjoy our impromptu photo's. Yes, my kids are normal and posing is not their favorite thing to do. We give stink faces, live in la la land and have to be bribed. Natalie, tried kissing Riley, picking on him, or accidentally putting her hand in her brothers crotch (she is just at the perfect height for that...) 

Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Snow, Love and Birthdays!

This season has been the driest of all the winter seasons we have experienced here! I'm not complaining, but it would have been fun to put my personal shovelers to good use! Here they are enjoying some time in the snow!
Lorelei was the only with the drive to go for a winter walk with me! Riley wanted to go inside and Natalie was at dance class with daddy. 
Valentines Day! Cupid brought the kids a small friend.
Nana came a little early before the Birthday craziness to spend some time with us!
Some day she won't be able to hide in her favorite spot!
Lorelei's B-day in flamingo style!
 Riley's B-day Pokemon style!
Trying out his new electric scooter!
Making Gummy Bears and fruit snacks with the molds and recipes aunt Mindy sent Lollie!
It was lots of fun having Nana and Opa around!