Monday, December 19, 2011


It's Christmas Again! I realize I haven't blogged in a couple of months. Lorelei turns 10 months tomorrow and Christmas is nearly here. Luckily I think November and December can easily blend together. Brandon and I have had major challenges this year. Things haven't gone the way we planned and it has really taken a toll on our emotions. We have really had to evaluate our situation and remember what is truly worth a lot in our lives. I will spare you the details and show you some pics of the things that matter most to us!
I was reminded this season that it doesn't matter where we live, what we own, how much money we have, or what our status is. What matters is the people in front of us and living the Gospel. We can't take the things of the earth with us, but if we live our lives right we can be with our family forever. Thank Heavens for the Gospel and the truth that it brings to my life. Merry Christmas everyone!

Monday, October 17, 2011

Mile stones and more!

Lorelei is now 7 months old. She loves mushed fresh banana's and still prefers a warm bottle (especially when teething). We haven't had any of her teeth break through yet, but we are constantly graced by the pain that come with the bulges in her mouth. She has become quite the babbler and continues to try to keep up with her brother.
Riley has begun to show even more interest in his sister. I find them occasionally playing together. This morning (Oct. 17,2011) Riley kept giving his sister piggy back rides. I wish I could have taken a picture, but I had to be the extra support. However I did get a picture of Riley teaching Lorelei how to crawl.
So far she only likes to raise up on her toes and rock back and forth. I think rolling is still her main mode of transportation.
Our Riley is growing leaps and bounds. He is so incredibly strong and defiant that there are times I wish I could give up. Most of the time, Brandon and I wonder if things we are teaching him stick in his mind. Then we have moments where he surprises us. The other day he created a building in the picture below. He ran out of his room excited and said "Mommy Temple!". I walked into his room and he showed me his Temple. I must say he did well for a two year old.
We have also had some breakthroughs with his potty training. I have to admit that this has been my least favorite thing when it comes to milestones. I don't think you can even call it a milestone when it seems more like a full marathon. Well, Brandon and I have tried everything from candy, shooting targets, sticker charts etc. Finally, I broke down and took him to the toy store. We purchased a new edition to his favorite toy collection (Thomas and Friends Take 'N Play). I figured I could show it to him each time he went potty. (Seems how my son is the "live in the moment" type of person). When I told Brandon about my idea, a light bulb went off in his head. Like dangling a carrot in front of a horse, he grabbed our duck tape and fastened the newly coveted toy to the top of the bathroom door. It has given Riley a new motivation for going potty. He talks about the track constantly. Of course, he has to fill a whole month with stickers in order to receive this gift.
 This year's pumpkin patch experience was very soggy. We woke up to snow which melted into rain. As planed, we piled into the car with highest hopes that we would enjoy ourselves. After collecting our pumpkins, we headed to the festivities. Riley enjoyed a huge bubble blower and flying in his own airplane. After an hour of fun, Riley realized that he was soaked and wet. He looked up at us crying and said "hands cold mommy". That's when we decided to leave. We all had mud caked in our shoes and were soaked to the bone. (except for Lorelei, she had her own protective bubble). It felt like a classic rainy day from Oregon. Though our little family was cold and wet, Brandon and I enjoyed the reminiscing of our youth.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Some family photos

We had a different photographer this year. She was such a sweet girl, but is a beginner with professional photography. I don't think we helped her much with our active family. We had to reschedule 3 times with her. The first time was due to weather. The second because Riley found a playground and would not cooperate. The third time was because all of the photos she took got lost. Unfortunately we didn't get any really good family pics, but we did get some good individual shots of the kids. All in all it was quite the experience and I still enjoyed it. Luckily we were able to get it all done right before the said sweet girl had to run off to college.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Lorelei is a Half a Year Old!

Here is Lorelei at 6 months! I haven't taken her to the Doctor yet because she has had a mild cold. That would not combine well with shots. So instead of percentiles, (cause who really cares about numbers) I am going to give you a blurb on her.
Lorelei LOVES to put her feet in her mouth. This has made it very challenging when it comes to learning to sit. She just can't get enough of those toes. We put her in an upright position and she instantly bends down to those toes. Some day she will realize that there is more in the world than her toes. We started her on rice cereal and she eats it like crazy. We didn't even get a funny face from her like we did Riley. I chalk it up to the fact that she puts everything in her mouth. Which could be dangerous... Her new trick is to throw her toys and wave her arms around! She also shows excitement for things. The other day while I was visiting teaching Tami, Lorelei noticed the light fixture in her entryway. She got excited about it and started to make an "oooo ooo ooo" sound. She would then wiggle her body towards it and smile like crazy. She repeated these action the whole 30 minutes we were there. I couldn't help but laugh. Another thing she loves to do is roll everywhere. I have actually lost her in our house because of her rolling. Luckily she was just around the corner from the kitchen. Who knows, we might skip crawling altogether. :p
Not too long after her pictures she started doing this! She's sitting! Only for a minute of course, but man time goes by too quickly. My little lollie will soon be a toddler. I don't think I'm ready for that one yet. :p 

Thursday, August 18, 2011

July in one post

July is one of my favorite months! This month was full of my favorite things plus some new surprises. First was the 4th of July. I am all about the red, white, and blue. It saddens me to think of where our country is headed, but this is one of those days I take pride in what she truly stands for.
While waiting in the park for the big event, we heard an ice cream truck pass by. Brandon ran off in a hurry to return with 3 chocolate fudgsicles for everyone.
 Jana, and her family recently moved here for Keith's residency. I was so excited to have them come here. We have had play dates ever since. (Lorelei, Marie, Celeste, and Riley)
Lorelei of course turned 5 months old and so this means more pictures. Lorelei loves her feet and is constantly smiling. We have been told by people in the ward that she is a happy ball of sunshine. She also adores her brother and try's to get his attention all the time. She even trys to talk like him.
 Apricot Knördels. My father made them once when I was a child. They are so delicious and make me happy. I love the authentic food from my fathers Austrian Heritage. I hope that Gram will someday make a recipe book. That way her delicious food will live on forever.

Another highlight of my month was a whole week of evening thunderstorms. They were so exciting that I had to get pictures.
Riley's Joy in the summer time... the fountains. He has become my handsome little man!
 Our little ball of sunshine

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Good Ol Oregon part 2!

This next post is packed full of pictures! We started our week off at the Oregon Coast Aquarium with the Henderson Clan. Riley loved the Seal the best. He even made friends with a girl while watching the seal show. She made sure our little guy didn't fall over. The rest of the time was spent in bathroom due to Riley eating too much fruit. I will save you from the graphic description of what we found. At least his messes were easily cleaned up and we were able to eat at Mo's. I can't go to the beach and not have my bread bowl clam chowder fix!
  Next was the Zoo! Riley and Jason in a hallow log.
 The Hippo that Has never EVER moved. Well, I guess he has had to move before, but never in the 16 years I had lived in Oregon. This was exciting for both Brandon and I. So of course I had to take a picture. 
 Yeah, we came to the zoo just for the John Deer tractor.  
 After many days of neglect we thought they'd like a bath. Plus, who doesn't have at least one picture of a cousin communal bath?
The coveted window ledge. The boys loved this area of the house. It was the only way Alicia and I could get pictures of them in their matching dude shirts for Memaw. Second Week with the Cziep Gang! Our little trip to Arcadia beach was a nice overcast day. Luckily it was not freezing and raining.
Rose Garden!
The rose garden had an unusual bloom year. All of their roses came late due to the weather. Thank heavens they showed their faces before we left. The smell is wonderful and the atmosphere is just beautiful.