Friday, March 29, 2013

Jump street

We found an inexpensive place to get our wiggles out called jump street. It's a wall to wall trampoline for adults and children. At first Riley and Lorelei had no clue what to do, but after watching some other kids they got the hang of it. Now Lorelei runs around at home saying "look mommy I jumping!" I have a feeling we will visit jump street again. 

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Ry's Birthday!

 Riley's Birthday theme this year was dinosaurs. It was the first thing that flew out of his mouth when I asked him what he wanted. The other best part of his Birthday was that our whole family got to eat at Cafe Rio for free. Love those grand opening's! (I think the cafe rio was more for me than Riley)
The Dinosaur cake!
Love this picture because Brandon got way excited when he found out that the frog watch was a slap watch.  It brings back those child hood memories. I remember getting my first slap watch.

 Riley loves puzzles, numbers, and shapes. These are the only things besides movies I can get him to focus on. 

Riley enjoyed blowing out the candles. Unfortunately I spaced them too far apart.
Lorelei ended up helping Riley out in the end. :)
 Luckily Riley's Birthday was drama free, except for Lorelei deciding that his day was the day she wanted to open presents. It makes me laugh when they don't get the idea on their Birthday, but they have it down for others.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Spoiled Rotten

The first day we brought Nana and Opa home was filled with fun surprises. Even though their birthday's were soon at hand they still showed up with gifts. Glow in the dark stars for their ceiling's and lacing cards. A couple of days later Grammy's presents came and she too bought the same lacing cards. I guess all grandparents think alike. What's even better than the lacing cards, is the Birthday cards Lorelei got from Grammy and Mimi. They were exactly the same! I remember people in my family doing the same thing to me growing up.  

 The Sunday (a couple of day's after Lorelei's Birthday) the heavens opened up and dumped about 4 inches of snow on us. We turned it into a fun snow day because church was cancelled. Of course my dad had no coat and he was okay with that. He enjoyed shoveling the snow for us and playing with the kids. 
 Riley loves to eat snow. Most pictures featured his tongue hanging out.
 Brandon took a turn shoveling and enjoyed dumping it on Riley. Riley thought it was great and I think he looks a little like the abominable snowman. 
 Lorelei learning the art of eating snow from her brother.

 It was so much fun having Nana and Opa in town. We got spoiled rotten and well loved. We can't wait for them to return in the summer and explore more of Colorado with us.