Monday, July 29, 2013


There is something to be said about monochromatic photography. I absolutely love color, but there is something timeless and enhancing about the monochromatic world. The focal point of the image pops out, making the personality and feelings almost tangible. 
  Riley above looks a little creepy... It almost looks like I used a fish eye lens. Unfortunately, I don't have one of those yet, but hope to in the near future.

 I love how these photo's turned out. Most of all I love the subjects in them. 

Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Blog Restored!

I have been contemplating the thought of shutting down my blog. I even deleted it for a week. The digital age has brought a way for people to stay connected, but has also created another pathway for unwanted advice and rejection. I would love to keep my blog up for family members to keep connected. It's a fun way to peek into each others lives and share happy memories. It also serves as a journal for me and my children. With that said, some day they will be reading this and I hope only positive things enter this site. 

With summer here already coming to close, I thought I would share some fun memories. First we love the fresh produce summer brings. My kids make tomatoes look like the best fruit on earth. Lorelei and Riley both found a love for watermelon, blueberries and strawberries this year. Lorelei, is finally getting her 2 year old molars (which explains her terrible two attitude lately) and is talking up a storm! Riley, is starting preschool in two and half weeks and I'm not sure how I will take it. He is really excited and asks me many times a day to go.
 Above is Riley's first day of swimming lessons. Since then, we got passes to the Grange here in the meadows, and found we love the pool. Lorelei, however, will need a life jacket. She thinks she can swim all by herself and has pushed me away many times. Luckily, they have a shallow pool area.
 Have I already mentioned we love splash pads? With water prices so high this year, we have not been able to turn on our sprinklers. Instead, we have become addicted to Sonic drink runs and many hours at different water pads. Luckily, there will be a free community one opening here in Castle Rock next summer.
 Riley's take on "The Scream". The water fall is where he spent most of his time.

The coolest cumulus cloud I have ever seen!

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Cziep Family Reunion

My parents have decided that it's time to start their own family reunions now that they have grandkids. Luckily, Mindy graduated with a Bachelors in speech pathology, giving my parents a great excuse to turn it into a shin dig. We even got to see aunt Dorothy and Gram again! 
Above is Mindy thinking and i'd like to think she's debating grad school here in Denver. Please Mindy, please!
Gram reprimanding me for taking her picture.

Gram really tried to stop Riley from picking his nose in this picture. Unfortunately she lost.

Mindy's friends
Mindy couldn't join us the whole time due to her multiple jobs, and Brandon was in Korea, so we had to do some things without them like the Rose Garden, Beach, and Enchanted Forest.

Lorelei and Riley's first Ferris wheel ride. Everything went well the first two times around and by the last time Lorelei was in tears. Riley however enjoyed it. 
Above Grandpa is pretending to be a Zombie. Riley really wanted to go into the Haunted house, but quickly changed his mind as soon as Opa opened the door. Instead Opa went through the house with Alex and I and returned as a zombie. Riley didn't believe the gig. However I love that I got a picture of my kids in the witches mouth. I believe my parents have one of me and my siblings when we were young. 
 Alex became a great horse
Our day at the beach was a success! The fog cleared out and it was a bombing 65 degrees. The water was even warm that day, which all Oregonians know is rare. We were so lucky and we thoroughly enjoyed it!

 Love, love, love, my Oregon and hope to someday move back. It may not be for a while, but it's not far from our minds either. Thanks Nana and Opa for all of your help, loves, and kisses. We can't wait to see you in two months!