Saturday, December 5, 2009

Santa Clause!

It's Riley's first Christmas and what a way to start it off! He got to see Santa! I was really afraid of him falling apart, but he was curious instead. I love how he would just sit there and stare at Santa Clause. It was too sweet.

Monday, November 2, 2009

What A Weekend!

To start off the Halloween festivities Wednesday it snowed, and snowed, and snowed. I thought that Murphy's law was out to get me. The Fear of not being able to go to my long awaited play lingered over my head.
Luckily I got an e mail from Buell Theater stating that the Show must go on! Brandon and I saw "Wicked"! We left Riley for 6 hours with a baby sitter for the first time. I was scared, but everything turned out fine! :) As For Wicked Brandon and I loved it! To be honest it gave me chills down my spine when it started. I highly recommend seeing it. On the other side I was sad that we were not able to get a picture by the poster. The poster seemed to be M.I.A. 
Friday We got our selves decked out for the wards trunk or treat!
Then again on Saturday we had our own little family Halloween Party! We sported our costumes and made a fun smorgasbord of food. Enjoy oodles of more pics!

Thursday, September 17, 2009

Finally a new post for my sister!

I didn't realize I was lacking on updating everyone, until my sister demanded new pictures of Riley. He does grow fast and sometimes I don't realize it. Then I put a picture of last months next to this months and realized he's becoming a toddler way too fast! So for auntie Mindy and to the rest, I present to you the little but not so little Riley.......

Riley loves his bath time! He can now splash and pluck his toys from the water!

I just love the hat on his head! My mom works with a lady, who's mother makes these hat's! She loved them so much, so she had her make Riley one. I can wait for him to use it in the snow!

Yes, we are teething, but no teeth yet. Just a bunch of bulges on the horizon!

Who knew a box full of clothes and a mirror would be so exciting! It made it easy on mom who was organizing. :)

Of course mom took a break to capture the fun!

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Riley is 6 months old today!!!!!!!!! :)

Riley is 6 months old today! I cannot believe he is already a half a year old! Time goes by so fast and as a first time mom I'm having a hard time keeping up! :p Hopefully I will master the art of mommy by the time we have our second! So far here is what Riley loves!

- Oatmeal cereal (more flavorful then rice)
- loves otter pops (his dad started that one) :p
- Loves to stand
- cry at strangers
- slobber his fuzzy blanket and frog
- Prefers his thumb
- Loves to interact with mom and dad!
- hates naps
- enjoys books and long walks (that made him sound like a dream boy already too bad he doesn't know about the beach yet. ) :p

So that is Riley so far in a nutshell! We love our little Bugaboo!

He loved sitting in the tube and floating more than being or dangling his feet in the water. :P

He loves playing in his toy basket!

My handsome baby blue's

Riley's first outdoor swinging experience!

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

4th Extravaganza continued!

Disclaimer: (So Our picture dates are off. I have no clue how it happened, but this did not happpen in the year 2007. :p) Saturday Firewroks!!!!!! :) Brandon and I went to the park early with our baby, the kitchen sink, and our beloved KFC chicken. It started out great until the Oregon rain appeared out of nowhere in Colorado. (Which I hear it was very hot in Oregon this year, go figure:p) While the rain came down in sheets Brandon and I grabbed Riley and our stuff and ran to safety. We took shelter under a covered picknic area until the rain let up enough for us to run home. We waited out the storm and luckily it cleared by 8:00! After the storm it was beautiful! The allergens were out of the air and we were able to enjoy the rest of the night! :)

The 4th weekend Extravaganza!

Friday the ZOO! Riley of course is not old enough yet to enjoy the Zoo, but Brandon and I had a blast. Yes, it was hot and muggy and we tested each other patience, but over all we had a rewarding day together! I do have to admit that my time growing up in Oregon has made me slightly an animal right activist. :p When I saw how small the cadges were for some of their animals it made me cringe. The bob cats were in a small small cadge. I can't describe it, but lets just say they could no run at all. I was soon put to ease when I learned that they are expanding the Zoo and revamping the cadges. :p

Thursday, May 21, 2009

All Smiles!

It has been so hard getting a picture of Riley with his full smile. The shutter time on my Camera is really slow and Riley likes to make more serious faces than happy ones. :p So I am proud that we were able to get this shot!

Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Riley's blessing! :)

On top of all of the hullabaloo we squished Riley's blessing in. Unfortunately we did not get to spend much time with extended family, but I am thankful they took the effort to come and be a part of it. I was very Happy that my Grandmother who is now 84 (I believe, don't quote me) was able to be there. Time starts to feel really short on this earth when the years begin to go by fast.


I know it has been a while since graduation but because of our move I was not able to download pictures. So here they are! Brandon Graduated in Computer Science and found a job here in Denver! I am so proud of Brandon for his hard work and dedication to our family. No matter what trials faced him he was able to overcome them and keep going. Here is to 6 years of grueling hours in the computer lab, unnecessary papers, transferring to a new school, dealing with BYU married housing, putting up with a working pregnant wife, and the list goes on. :p Brandon, Riley and I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009


Though Riley is not yet old enough for the Easter bunny we still wanted to document the holiday! :)
Our bright colored eggs
Brandon and I got a little out of control with Easter spirit and stickered Riley's face. :p Don't worry we did not leave them on for long.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Time is speeding up!

Riley is now a month and two weeks old! He is growing so fast. It is so exciting to see his beautiful blue eyes more, but irritating at the same time. Now I spend most of my time appeasing him. This causes a whole new challenge with our move in three weeks! :P Above is a picture of him in his dads old dodgers uniform. Brandon received it from his grandparents Mimi and Papa when he was born. Now Riley got a chance to show it off! :) Maybe some day he will be my little baseball star. :p
Brandon and I love to call him many things! Things like "little man", "squeakers", "bugaboo", "gruntles", "Ri Ri", the list goes on.....
Our favorite sleeping position
Can't get enough of his sweet tiny little feet!
Riley's first happy bath! In the beginning he hated it! He used to cry, scream, pee, and poop. :p Just ask grandma Kelly about her initiating experience as proof. :p