Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Interactive Amusement!

Brandon, the kids, and I have been feeling cabin fever lately. It was time to ditch our four walls and explore something new. Denver has so many fun things to do and it makes it really hard to choose. In the end the deciding factor boiled down to our kids. What would excite and create enjoyment for them. Of course the answer became clear to us, "The children's Museum!" It was fun because Brandon and I got really excited about it. Riley must of caught the excitement too. After we piled everything into the car he said "Leave Colorado?" "Go to Oregon?" When Brandon plugged in his GPS he said "Yeah watch movie." He thought we were going on a big trip. We explained to him that our Oregon trip wasn't for a long while and that we were headed to the Museum. In the end he wasn't dissapointed. We spent a whole three hours playing with Riley and Lorelei. Mom and Dad enjoyed the fact that we got to go to Cafe Rio afterwards. It was a win win situation for all of us! The kids fell asleep fast that night. :p

Another cute Riley story. The other Night I was wearing my Pj's that had lollipops all over it. Riley asked me "what are those mommy?" I told him "lollipops." He responded "Lorelei lollipops?" (lollipop is Lorelei's nick name) Oh, how my kids make me smile.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Riley, My Modern Art!

Riley got really creative the other day. I came out of my room to find a new piece of art waiting for me. Luckily, it was the washable type and that most of it was on an adorable canvas.


Wow, I realized how far behind I have been with my Lorelei updates. I still need to do her 11 month shoot. Now that she is more mobile, it's hard for me to keep her in a lying down position.

This little cutie has become more spunky. She enjoys food just like her brother and even growls like him. She can now stand up by her own and wave her hands. We even got to see her take her first couple of steps. It's crazy to think that in a month she will be a year old and that Riley will be three. My babies are growing way too fast.

One quick story before I sign off. Lorelei has found the joy of irritating a sibling. We have a carbon monoxide detector that is plugged into an outlet. This outlet is at just the right height for Lorelei. She also found that it has a button that makes noise. Surprisingly, this loud beeping noise does not scare her, but it does Riley. She gets so much joy from the reaction of her brother. She giggles as he yells "No baby" and runs behind my legs for protection. Ah, the love of motherhood. :)