Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Preschool jitters!

I don't know who was more nervous and excited this morning. Riley seemed really excited, until we got  to Mrs. Morris's house. When I told him to run into class he froze at the door. With Lorelei screaming from the car, I popped out, assured Riley that he was okay and to enjoy his day. Eventually he bounded up the stairs and was warmly greeted by his teacher. Such a flood of emotions come with a day like today. You try to teach your child at home how to talk and treat people. How to sit and listen. Then comes the day when you have to let them be their own people and trust that you have taught them all that you can. It's almost a helpless situation, but exciting to see them grow. 

Lorelei, had a little bit of a complex. She did not understand why Riley got to stay and play while she couldn't. (Hence the reason for her screaming in the car.) Hopefully, she learns and discovers her new independence while Riley is gone. It's nice not to be bossed two and half hours out of the day.

Riley on his first day of Preschool

Riley's first preschool artwork. Obviously he did not need the right side of his body.

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

BLURB time!

Yesterday, I broke down and told Riley to clean his room. The condition was he could not come out until it was done. He of course did not take it well and began to cry. As I was sitting in the living room with Lolie I heard him singing "I'm only gonna break break your Break break your heart." He sang it over and over in between his little sobs. That's when I realized,  I had officially made the mean mom list. It was only a matter of time.

 Lorelei decided to have fun with my makeup bag. Today her speciality was my mascara. She even put a few punk rock streaks of black in her hair. It's fun to see how girly she can be. When I paint my nails she always asks if I can paint hers as well. The other day she put on her tutu and dress up jewelry and pretended to go to the airport with Riley and her babies.

These two little stinkers have been as thick as thieves lately. They are either totally loving each other, hating each other, or creating mischief of some kind. They always keep me on my toes.

The past couple of Sunday's with Lolie have been most trying. One Sunday she managed to turn the drinking fountain in the hall into a water park. For the couple of minutes I was distracted she soaked herself completely through. Then last Sunday she decided that the entrance doors were fun to open and close. After three warnings and many physical removals she continued to pursue these doors. Unfortunately the story ended in tragedy. Another kid joined the fun, Lolie's finger got slammed, and three hours later at the hospital it turned out to be a sprained finger. After that she noticed every door and hopefully it will be the last.