Sunday, April 12, 2009


Though Riley is not yet old enough for the Easter bunny we still wanted to document the holiday! :)
Our bright colored eggs
Brandon and I got a little out of control with Easter spirit and stickered Riley's face. :p Don't worry we did not leave them on for long.


How Sweet it is! said...

I think it is totally ok to have Easter stuff for Riley. Of course I did get a little Easter something for Mia, and she isn't even born yet... Aren't grandmas supposed to spoil the grandkids?
He is adorable! Make sure you come in before you move, you will need boxes won't you? just not this week, I'm on vacation! Oh, I finally have a blog up and running.

Diane said...

HAPPY EASTER! :) Great pictures! :) Its great to do the fun traditions you did when you were little.

Liz Wilcken said...

Hooray for blogs! So cute! Let me know your email and I'll invite you to our private blog!!!

Aaron and Steph said...

Brandi!!! Riley is so cute. Our blog is And hope all is well in Denver!! Let me know if you meet a nicer older couple with the last name Wandry. She knew me when I lived in Denver...when I was born! haha Anyway, talk to you soon!