Wednesday, January 3, 2018

December Part 1

Riley carefully and excitedly made these streamers. He asked me to help tape them up where he wanted them. 
Really Riley?
 The Christmas ward party this year was very long. By the end Natalie had had enough and really wanted to see Santa. We ended up towards the back of the line. This caused Natalie bouts of crying on and off. By the time we got to the front she ran screamed "Santa!" and jumped into his arms. It was really sweet.
 We did a lot of Christmas coloring to keep our excitement at bay.
 Riley ended up with a 24 hour stomach bug the weekend before we colored. He thought it was funny to make these sick throwing up gingerbread men. They ended up moving around our house the whole Christmas season. At one point they ended up in the bathroom. Natalie was not happy about their appearance in the bathroom and freaked out until I disposed of them. She said they were scary.  
 Natalie loves making forts with pillows and blankets.
 I love making Christmas gifts. Every year I am either making an advent Calendar, wreaths, decor or a gift that comes to my mind. This year I created puzzles for grandparents with the images below! It was so much fun to see the products arrive and Natalie exclaim "my face is on a puzzle!" It was one of my favorite projects. Another one I took on last minute were the doll beds. Melissa and Doug had the cutest wood beds that were screaming for adorable bedding. So I picked out some fabric with my mom (while she was here) and then got work. There are a lot of flaws in these blankets, but I had so much fun trying something new! 


Amanda said...

Our ward Christmas party didn't have any Santa at all. It was quite disappointing. Your pictures are adorable, even if riley is being a little stinker. 😉

KyleAndAlicia said...

I love the gingerbread men! I'm busting up! And the quilts/pillows and puzzles are all so cute, well done!