Monday, October 15, 2012

Color me RAD!

I have been in a running mood lately and decided to sign up for a fun run. I cam across color me RAD for September 25. Throughout the race, they throw colored corn starch at you, or spray it at you with a watered down version, out of a weed killer bottle. (There was no weed killer, but the vessel was the same.) I was so excited that Jana and her friend Mandy wanted to do it with me. We had a blast running, walking, and blasting each other with color. We even enjoyed talking and eating afterwards while watching the traffic madness around us.It was a gorgeous day and I can honestly say I had so much fun! I also had blue armpits for two days in a row.
Before the race.
After the race! :)

Thanks Jana and Mandy! I hope we are all around to this again next year! :)

1 comment:

shelley said...

It looks like you had a lot of fun!