Saturday, October 27, 2012

Fall Festivities!

So much has been happening, and I can not seem to keep up on this blog! A couple of weekends back we hit up Lowells farm for their fall Festival. I will tell you about our adventure through pictures!
First thing Riley went to as we entered the farm.
Lorelei got her first kiss from a pig. This picture was taken after she pulled away from him.
The only thing Riley cared about was pulling his wagon. He had no interest in the animals.
Lorelei at the duck pond. She loved yelling "duck, duck, duck" over and over. All of the other animals on the farm became ducks too.
Just for my love of old cars.
Riley inspecting a pumpkin.
Hooray for small pumpkins to hold.
Riley's favorite white pumpkin he carried around forever until we told him to pick a larger one.
 After we purchased our pumpkins we headed home. It was a fun little trip and I think Brandon and I had more fun than the kids. At this age it always seems to work out that way.

A couple of weeks later we dove into our pumpkins full force.

  Today we decided on whim to go to Boo at the Zoo where kids get to trick-or-treat and see the zoo at the same time. The kids had a blast and I had fun dressing them up. I love their costumes and I love this holiday!

I had to add this picture. I had never seen one of these until I came to this zoo, but my favorite part of this picture is what the animal is doing.
Riley was giving me the look of death. This is when I realized time was running out. My mom informed me that I have made that same look my whole life.
After our fun couple of hours at the zoo we hit up Cafe Rio for some brunch and headed home. We did have plans to try and make it to our wards trunk or treat, but by the time we got home the party was about to start. Plus Lorelei ended up having a blow out all over her costume and Riley decided that since we were home he would take off all of his clothes. (this is a new phase we are going through.) Brandon and I decided that we had worn them out enough and they will get more candy on Hallows Eve anyway. Maybe next year we will make it to the ward trunk or treat.

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