Tuesday, December 25, 2018

It's Beginning to Look Like Christmas!

Last post I eluded to moving, which brings me to happy news! No, we are not moving back to Oregon, but we are building a house here in Colorado. We are so excited!!!!! They are currently framing it! Our expected closing date is in May. 
back side of house
front side of house
Cabellas had a free Santa Claus! I think Riley is starting to grow out of it.
Our Elementary school has a band and Orchestra program that starts in the 4th grade. I was excited when Riley said he wanted to do it this year. So far he loves it and wants to do it again next year! This was his first band performance.
He also had feeder performance where they take all of the elementary schools, middle school, and high school bands and put them together for a huge performance. It was so cool to see how they progress over the years. It also inspired the younger ones to be like the older kids.
Practicing indoor lighting while Natalie played with her Lady bug.
 Having  some more fun with the animals she has received from her preschool boxes. If you are looking for a cheaper alternative to preschool check out Ivy Kids. Natalie and I are loving it. I wish I had known about this when Lorelei was at home. 
 Lorelei has a Grinch day at school. She decided to be Cindy Lou who.
Zoo Lights! No year is complete without it!
We started the night listening to Mrs. Clause tell a story with a magic playing piano. The kids loved it.
 Lorelei wanted a photo with Mrs. Claus after her story telling.
 I love this photo!!!!
 Sunday Family Christmas photo
They found their pickles
 Christmas eve Jammies!
 Fudges last night!

Wednesday, December 5, 2018

Catching up is fun to do!

The past 4 months have gone by so fast! A ton of things have transpired since school started. My photography has picked up along with the lives of my littles!
Below is me making my kids scout out locations for photos. It was in the middle of the day. Not the best time for light hence the squinty eyes.
Lorelei dressed up as fly guy for character day.
We got new floors! I am so thankful to have all of the carpet gone in our dinning area!!!!!!!!! I don't cry over spilled milk anymore.
Nana came out for an early Birthday to hang out with us!
 Sadly we had our first frost a week before the pumpkin patch. This meant no good pumpkins. All of them were mushy and rotting.
 We ended up spending the bulk of our time in the corn mazes.
 Lorelei started horse lessons!!!! A dream come true for her. I love Kings face!
We also tried posed photos for Gram for Christmas. It didn't turn out so well. Instead we gave up and began playing in the leaves. The kids and nana had a lot of fun and I got great candids!
 The girls giving me their best poses!
 Sadly Nana could not stay for Halloween, but we still had fun at the ward trunk or treat.

 Yes, we had snow right before trick or treating. This is the morning of Halloween. Luckily most of it melted by the evening.
 This year Brandon made sure we played the doughnut game.
 Scary right?
 We went with a bunch of friends in the neighborhood. Sadly we were missing some who showed up late. The kids were too cute! I am going to miss this neighborhood.