Monday, March 16, 2015

Post Birthday's

My parents got out of town before more snow storms hit. It was a week filled with warm and cold temperatures. We ended up with the largest ice cycles we had ever seen on our house!
Brandon too escaped the week of snow and Riley enjoyed learning to shovel snow! Next year we are buying him his own shovel!
While my parents were here, Loli and Nat got their own closet! The one thing our little house lacks is storage. We don't even have a linen closet. The closet addition to the girls room was badly needed. We are not moving anytime soon folks. Plus, I am fulfilling my dreams as an interior designer! My girls fit in their room perfectly. The next step in the road ahead is bunk beds! 
Brandon, told me he's jealous of his sons comic room. I told him so was I, but that it would not be appearing in our room decor. Our room is the last place we will ever decorate. Kind of sad, but true. I still own furniture from my child hood that is slowly finding it'self  either at the trash yard or goodwill. 
Home projects are my favorite!

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