Friday, March 10, 2017

Boys and Doughnuts!

Riley's Birthday was on a Saturday morning at the MAC. We bought two dozens doughnuts, paid admission for 6 boys and then let them loose for two hours. The first hour was great! There were minimal people and the boys loved it. An hour and a half in they began to loose steam. 
Doughnut break! 

Presents time.
I couldn't get Riley to look at my camera and then the white balance was off and made them purple...
Later that day we had dinner at Freddy's, sang to Riley, opened more presents and ate cake!
Riley still Loves Math and everything Pokemon. His favorite color is red.  He is quite the Techie and has an obsession with his pad. His dream this year is to sing at a Rockies game with his school. Some day he wants to be a doctor, but for now he enjoys playing with his friends, helping around the house and loves his alone time reading at night. He is our favorite Bugaboo!

1 comment:

KyleAndAlicia said...

Looks like two fun parties! Great job momma!!